Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Chapter 8-9 Quotes

My 1st quote " I won’t punish you for looking out the window,” I said. “But I’m going to punish you for using bad grammar. You were supposed to say, ‘You were looking out the window, Mr. Wiggins,’ not ‘You was looking out the window, Mr. Wiggins.’ i think this is a good quote because its showing that Mr Wiggins is trying to get the student to speak and tlk in correct grammar

My 2nd Quote "Any advice?” I asked him. “It doesn’t matter anymore,” he said. “Just do the best you can. But it won’t matter.” Antoine believed that even if Grant put on his best efforts he will most likely fail.

Hi everyone my name is Mikel Bee and I am a 16 year old student I attend Ben C. Rain high school. When I get bored I sing or play basketball. I like to spend time with my female friend and make her smile. My favorite color is orange and black. When I wanna take my mind off of things and clear my head I go walk by a lake and throw rocks. My favorite subject in school is math. My least favorite subject is well English. The career I want to go in when I graduate is aviation.